We have a reputation to uphold, a reputation that we have been building for over 100 years. Our products are highly appreciated by the Swedish consumers who have gotten to know us and acknowledge our hard work and determination to only deliver the best quality possible. And we believe that it´s about time to share our products with the people outside of our country.

Product range

We have a wide portfolio of products in different segments and sizes to appeal to divers target groups. From our signature product, Årets skörd (yearly harvest), which is 100% cider pressed from the yearly harvest of apples, fruit drinks, NFC, sparkling drinks to fruit soups, fruit custards, alcoholic drinks (wine, cider etc). We offer both conventional and organic products.

Packaging options

We fill in Glass, PET, Tetra pak, Bag-in-Box and Pouch in many different shapes and sizes.

Private label

Apart from our own brand we also offer Private Label. Along with our in-house R&D department we have the opportunity to realize the costumer´s desires. And with the epithet “produced in Sweden” we offer a second seal of approval and guarantee that clean water is used and that the toughest product safety regulations are applied.