Our Foodie Vision

We believe that a nutritious, filling and delicious plant-based drink – free from added sugar, lactose, gluten, and soy – should be a convenient choice for everyone. My Foodie® is created to give you a simple and unique plant-based snack when you need to fill up and keep going, so that you are free to enjoy all the Goodness in your life.

My foodie® from Lund

Veg of Lund is rooted in scientific food innovation research at Lund university. Our challenge was to create the ultimate plant-based drink for a lifestyle where more people are desiring vegetarian options. We discovered that potato and rapeseed oil had everything we had been looking for, yet it was challenging to mix these two (like oil and water). So we developed our foodie science and got our very own patent, and My Foodie® by Veg of Lund was born.